
Shenli Yuan, Alex Gruebele, Nasreddine El-Dehaibi, Chen Zhong (Stanford University)
Noor Ameen, Hassan Safawizadeh, Louise Karisson, Kristian Elawad (Blekinge Institute of Technology)
Jackie Yang (ios app)


With autonomous machinery on the horizon, a major obstacle in the implementation of autonomous worksites is the unpredictable nature of construction, especially in material identification and handling. Huge amounts of material are brought onto a site multiple times a day, and need to be located and accessed at specific times. To add to this problem, ground space on a site is typically very limited. This regularly affects workers on construction sites, causing delays and miscommunication between the many subcontractors. To tackle this, the team designed a system to track all material entering a site, and organize it both spatially and temporally. By discretizing a worksite by area and time of day, subcontractors can effectively claim areas to work and move both equipment and material without unintentionally coinciding at critical times.

More Information

This project was done in ME310 (Design Innovation) in collaboration with a team from Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden, our team was challenged by Volvo CE to look into the future of construction.

slide deck (pdf)